Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Replaygain?

> > I've been told that rhythmbox supports replaygain but my tracks are
> > obviously being played at different output levels.  Does it really
> > work? Where is the info stored?
> As far as I know, Rhythmbox will not add any replaygain data to the
> files on its own so you have to do that with some other tools such as
> vorbisgain. Rhythmbox should make use of the data if it is present, though.

Can I run flac and mp3 files through vorbisgain?  Any other program
anyone would recommend?

> It works at least according to my experience with the traditional
> playback engine. I'm not completely sure about the crossfading engine
> but, according to my ears, that also seems to work.
> Also note that, if I remember correctly, Rhythmbox uses album gain
> instead of per-track gain if both tags are present. This means that
> there will still be differences between quiet tracks and loud tracks but
> the differences between different albums should be leveled.

That sounds perfect.

- Grant

> My knowledge on this may be a little outdated, though, so if someone
> else has more current information, please correct me.
> Regards,
> Mika

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