Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Rhythmbox vs. Quod Libet

> > 1. Any plans for a preview of each album's cover art in the album
> > list?  That's what I miss the most from quodlibet.
> It's been suggested before, and several people say they like the idea (me too!).
> > 2. Jump to playing song doesn't seem to work.
> Contrl+J works for me.  Can you try and work out if there is a pattern
> to when it doesn't work.

Yeah it does work if the currently playing song is in the track list.
Should it work otherwise too?

> > 3. Is there a way to have the automatic cover art search save to
> > cover.jpg in the album's folder?
> At the moment the covers get cached in your RB profile.  I guess the
> album art plugin could do this as an option - but this isn't a sensible idea
> for people who don't keep each album in a separate directory.
> There are good third party album art tools available which can save images
> into mp3 ID3 tags as well as into the folder.

I found albumart, coverfinder, and Album Cover Grabber.  Any other
good ones you know of?

> > This may end up becoming obsolete
> > since picard seems to have preliminary cover art saving support,
> > although it doesn't work at all for me currently.  Will rhythmbox
> > support tag-embedded cover art images?
> Hopefully yes, see:
> Bug 345975 – Show album covers embedded in files e.g. mp3 ID3 tags

Thanks Peter.

- Grant

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