Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Rhythmbox website

Joel Dimbernat wrote:
I just visited the Rhythmbox's website, and I seen it really NOT up to date...
As another user, and occasional bug reporter etc, I agree with you.

Who has editing rights on the current website? Or given the fact things are looking so out of date, maybe we should instead ask who can GRANT editing rights on the website? It sounds like the developers could find some volunteers here on the mailing list (e.g. Joel)
I have made some specific suggestions in the past:

I would add a small section on the "Development" page about "Bug Reporting", pointing to the feedback page
When filing a bug using the URL given, it really helps to know that RB is filed under "other". Either mention this, or better, can it be preselected via the URL?
Perhaps add ViewCVS links to the HACKING and INTERNALS files? They look quite informative for any potential developers...

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