Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Re: using a password with daap

On Sat, 2006-01-21 at 04:47 -0800, Alex Lancaster wrote:
> >>>>> "AJ" == Alexander Jede  writes:
> AJ> Hi List, I have just installed Rhythmbox 0.9.2 with the DAAP
> AJ> support.  In my LAN I have a DAAP-Server running. To protect it of
> AJ> not allowed access, it is password protected.  But rhythmbox don't
> AJ> give me the option to enter a password.  Does rhythmbox not
> AJ> support passwords on DAAP?
> Nope, not yet, but it's been filed in bugzilla:

I wrote the daap code this summer.  For anyone interseted on this topic,
I've added my comments about this feature to this bug.  I don't think
its a useful feature, but it would be relatively easy to code.


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