Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Display artist below album name in browser

On Tue, 2005-05-10 at 13:31 +0200, Michi wrote:
> On 5/9/05, Oliver Lemke <olemke core-dump info> wrote:
> > The subject is mostly speaking for itself. In patch 76 of the merge
> > branch the artist is displayed below the album name in the browser
> > view.
> Displaying the release year here would be nice, too. And any chance
> we'll get the grey lines for every second item in the list? (what i
> did in my original mockup [1])

I don't know what everyone else thinks of it, but the average rating for
tracks in the album might be nice, too.

> Also... If "Show the covers in the albums list" isn't set, I think the
> album list should look like it does in 0.8.x, eg smaller lines.

I'd have to agree on this one.


James "Doc" Livingston 
"Don't these people watch Jackie Chan movies? *Everything*'s a weapon!
Next thing, they'll ban ballpoint pens, 'coz you can stab somebody with
them. Or laptops, because you could force someone to install Windows
3.1. With a ballpoint pen, presumably."    -- Eric The Read, in the SDM

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