[Rhythmbox-devel] Auto Playlists: sorting

G'day everyone,

As anyone who has updated to patch-52 or higher on the merge branch may
have noticed, I've added the option to sort automatic playlists.
Currently you can only change it via the playlist editor, and not by
clicking on column headers, but hopefully I'll fix that soon.

One thing I was trying to come to a decision about was sorting normal
playlists. Being able to sort them would be handy - but it's not
something you would want to be too easy, lest you accidentally sort you
carefully ordered playlist. One option I was thinking of was adding a
"sort playlist" option to the context menu - which would ask what you
want to sort by.

As usual let me know of any issues with the playlists.


James "Doc" Livingston 
But never forget that the original Dilbert strips were nature studies.
    -- Shmuel Metz

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