Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Album Art

On Sun, 2004-09-19 at 19:55 +0200, Fredrik Noring wrote:
> Hi Charles
> > Honestly, this compact mode idea has really got me going, I'd definitly
> > hack it up if people were interested and/or offered to help.
> Here's an idea when showing album pictures in the browser:
> Make the image size adapt automatically. So when there's only one album
> in the list, make it fill up as much as possible of the album list area
> (no need to show the "All" option then). When there are two, make them
> as big as possible still fitting within the area and so on?
> What's your thought?

Dunno, seems like it could be disorienting to the user to have the image
size constantly changing.  If there is only 1 album though there still
may be songs that are not on that album, and so you would need the "All"
option.  I have many artists where this is the case.  I think the way
your mockup has it, where there is as many columns as will fit without a
horizontal scroll bar and as many rows as neccessary (read right to left
top to bottom or whatever, depending on the locale) would be the best
for the compact view.  For the larger view (one album per row) with
images it would be best, I think, to use a smaller image size (and use
this image size in the compact view as well) and center the album name
within the row.  I wonder what the minimum size an album image can be
and still be distinguishable is?

> Fredrik


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