Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Non-gui filters in Auto Playlists

Colin Walters wrote:

[ is there a reason you didn't reply to the list? ]

Bleary "just woken up" mind =)

To be specific: what I would like to do is create a playlist that contained just my local music, i.e. its location contains a specific path string. Would it be possible to do this? (And if so, how? =) )

Here's an example:

 <playlist name="foo" internal-name="&lt;playlist:1084889830:500292&gt;" type="automatic" limit-count="0" limit-size="0">
     <equals prop="type">0</equals>
         <like prop="location">/audio-video/music/flac/</like>

This shoudl all be fairly straightforward except for internal-name;
that's basically crack that I had to add to allow for multiple playlists
to be named the same thing.

Thanks for that clarification, it will save me numerous backup/restore cycles I think!

Most of the stuff is self-explainitary; should get me started anyhows.


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