Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Rhythmbox or Music Player

"Rhythmbox Music Player" sounds great, both juicy and intuitive! Just 
don't call it rb.

"Winamp" was very succesful* without an "intuive" name. A name needs to 
be clear AND juicy. Otherwise, people don't understand what it is good 
for and/or forget its name. Too generic a name leads to invisibility. 
"Music Player" can be any player, who cares...

kind regards

*Though I use the *Quintessential Player* <> 
( when I need to use Windows Take a look, it's 
pretty cool

Ruben Vermeersch wrote:

>On Mon, 2004-05-03 at 17:07 +0100, Chris Seaton wrote:
>>Why does the documentation of Rhytmbox refer to some application called 
>>Music Player? This is madness, and must be extremely confusing: "I want 
>>the documentation of Rhythmbox, not Music Player". Did Mark Finlay just 
>>decide he didn't like the name Rhytmbox and made up his own when he was 
>>writing the docs?
>>Chris Seaton
>There have been some doubts wether or not to call it Rhythmbox (cause
>that what's it named) or just Music player (since Music player makes
>more sense to someone who doesn't know what rb is, and thus making gnome
>more intuitive).
>AFAIK this has changed in the recent past, so it can be there are two
>versions around (Altough I only find the name Music player in my gnome)
>I'd vote for Rhythmbox Music Player, in a same way as we have Totem
>Movie Player, it adds both names, making sense for everyone
>Regards, Ruben

Dr. Andre P. Meyer              
TNO FEL Command & Control and Simulation,
Delft Cooperation on Intelligent Systems,

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