Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Patch question: downloaded music RBSource

On Tue, 2004-06-22 at 18:17 -0400, Dan8827 wrote:
> I've run into similar issues.  There have been discussions here and
> elsewhere about why Rhythmbox users keep XMMS around.  When I want to
> play a new song that isn't (yet) in my library, I turn to XMMS

I've found that this is the best solution also, except I do it with
totem. The only thing missing with this "use case" is that currently I
can't drag a song from nautilus into rb yet.

This is especially useful in spatial mode, where I can have one folder
full of 5 songs, preview them in totem for quality, and then select all
and drag and drop right into rb into my permanent collection, that would

jorge o. castro <jorge whiprush org>

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