Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Portable player support

On Sun, 2004-06-20 at 23:01 +0200, Bastiaan Van Eeckhoudt wrote:
> Hi,
> I got a new portable MP3 player this week, and since the app that
> comes with it only works in Windows, I wanted to add support for it to
> rhythmbox. 

Cool.  I suppose someday I should pick up some portable player so I'll
have a strong motivation to work on this too :)

> I started from the iPod code, and I'm now able to detect when my
> player is plugged in,

How are you detecting this?

> * I checked out the latest version from the main arch archive. It
> compiles fine, but I the MP3 importing doesn't seem to work.

It's a bit broken at the moment.  I really hope to fix it soon.

> * When rhythmbox is started for the first time, it creates
> .gnome2/rhythmbox with permissions 0640, and then complains that it
> can't write any files to that directory. I checked the source of 0.8.4
> that comes with Debian, and it uses permissions 0750. Any reason for
> the change, which is obviously incorrect?

Just a bug, fixed:
* committed rhythmbox-devel gnome org--2004/rhythmbox--main--0.9--patch-71

By the way, is your code anywhere publicly accessible?

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