On lun, 2004-07-12 at 17:41 -0700, Aaron Dulles-Coelho wrote: > First off, the obligitory: I love what you folks are doing - rhythmbox is > great software. > > Here are some usability suggestions that ya'll might care to incorporate: > 1. In the alphabetic sorting of artists in the Library, words like "The" > "A" and "An" should be ignored. Eg, "The Beatles" files itself under B > rather that T This is already present in bugzilla and has been mentioned several times on this list, for my part I don't like that very much since it becomes a mess as soon as you try to do the same for other languages. And my iPod does that, and I don't like it much anway (probably because of the few bad matches, like this group using a 4 letter acronym started with A which gets sorted toward the end of the artist list because the second letter is an S or something). Christophe
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