Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Rip/Encode for RhythmBox?

No, not kidding.

I have seen all the grip switches/fields you referred to but I have not
given them a whole lot of thought.  I have certainly not *had* to
change any of those settings.  Grip came fully configured with defaults
in this installation. 

I installed sound-juicer and it looks extremely nice.  I can certainly
agree that a new user might find this application much more
approachable than grip.

That said, I realize that many of the options that you are confronted
with in grip are precisely the options that made it usable for my 400
disk undertaking.  These options are not yet found in sound-juicer.  I
have already talked about 'rip/encode on drawer close' and 'eject after
ripping' but I am now reminded that I would have had a much harder time
had I not been able to direct the .wav files to a large local scratch
drive while placing the .ogg files on my much smaller music drive
across the network.  As for bit rates, etc., I was perfectly happy to
accept grip's defaults.  Sound-juicer probably has good defaults too. 
Will hard-coded defaults please everyone?  Probably not.

Best of luck to the developers of sound-juicer.  May they make sound
choices when they consider which preferences to adopt and which to
avoid.  In the very least, I think we can agree that in grip they will
find a mature set to choose from. 


On Tue, 2003-11-25 at 17:52, William Jon McCann wrote:
> Gisli Ottarsson wrote:
> > Having recently ripped approximately 400 CDs, in the span of a few
> > days, I would say suggest that there is no sense in trying to improve
> > on the fantastic grip program.
> Please tell me you are kidding.  The UI is really bad.  It is one of the 
> most geek-centric applications I have ever seen.  It is completely 
> incomprehensible to most users.  I know this because many users tell me 
> it is incomprehensible.  It requires knowledge of some wacko things 
> like: FLAC, bladeenc, ID3, CGI, DB, lame, cdparanoia, and /dev/???  ;) 
> But seriously, why should my users need to know those things, never mind 
> my mom?
> On the other hand.  I think sound-juicer is beautiful.  The UI is clean, 
> simple, and works great.  You rock Ross.
> I would love to see a similar app for burning.
> > Perhaps Rhythmbox could be trained to communicate with grip.  Rhythmbox
> > could instruct grip where to deposit the encoded files and
> > automatically load these files once grip is done.  That would be pretty
> > nice and could be quite helpful to the casual user.
> I would like to see it integrate in at least two ways: playlist burning 
> and drag and drop of songs.  It would be nice for it to be a separate 
> application from rhythmbox.  Is this what you have in mind, Ross (re: 
>   I'd be interested in helping with something like this.
> Jon
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Gisli Ottarsson <>

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