Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Rip/Encode for RhythmBox?

Having recently ripped approximately 400 CDs, in the span of a few
days, I would say suggest that there is no sense in trying to improve
on the fantastic grip program.

Once set up exactly the way I liked it, the steps involved in ripping a
CD were reduced to placing the CD in the drawer, closing it, and
waiting for it to be ejected.  I had young children trained to do this.

Since the ogg encoding was significantly slower than the ripping (in
spite of grip being smart enough to utilize two CPUs), many CDs worth
of wav files would often be queued up, but grip kept everything

Perhaps Rhythmbox could be trained to communicate with grip.  Rhythmbox
could instruct grip where to deposit the encoded files and
automatically load these files once grip is done.  That would be pretty
nice and could be quite helpful to the casual user.


On Tue, 2003-11-25 at 16:14, John Russell wrote:
> check out soundjuicer integration.  It is a completely optionless
> rip/encoder.  Personally I think the lack of options trend is getting a
> little out of hand and is exemplified in this app.  You can't choose bit
> rate, variable bit rate, nothing. 
> John
> On Tue, 2003-11-25 at 11:04, Dennis wrote:
> > Is there any plans to integrate Rip/Encode features into RhythmBox?
> > 
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Gisli Ottarsson <>

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