Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Proposal for first-generation Musicbrainzintegration

On Sun, 2003-11-23 at 08:23, Sri Ramkrishna wrote:
> > I think that rb should and really must have a decent answer to id3
> > tagging if it is really going to be an integrated music manager, instead
> > of just xmms with better organization.  Well its already more than that,
> > but you get the idea.
> If you refer to my original mail and what Colin was saying.  It doesn't 
> have to be a monolithic application.  The second application be tightly 
> integrated with the main application.  Rhythmbox could be a suite of 
> programs not just one program.  It would be advantageous to do so since we 
> can develop the same look at feel.  I think it will be quire workable.  
> Otherwise ui-wise it will be challenge to include it all.

I've got to say I agree with John here.  RB should handle tag management
within itself.  It would be much more streamlined and conceptually
easier for the user (IMHO) rather than launching a separate application
for edit tags.

Hell, we already pretty much have the UI for one-tag-at-a-time changes
(right click, properties - changes some text fields).  There is nothing
difficult about that.

As Colin said earlier, I don't think there should be the huge range of
flexible options that bulk update taggers have.  But RB should be able
to handle more than just one at a time updates.

Some use cases (all in the library view):

1. Select artist "queens of the stoner age" and drop on to artist
"Queens Of The Stone Age".  All artist tags in "queens of the stoner
age" updated to "Queens Of The Stone Age" (db, UI updated too of

2. Click artist "Sevendust".  Select multiple songs, and drag to album
"Home".  All album tags of these songs updated to "Home".

3. Click artist "Sevendust".  Select multiple songs, right click ->
properties (it should maintain the selection, I believe ATM rb drops
down to one selected song).  Song title, track number and other fields
that are definitely per-song are greyed out.  Artist, Genre, Album are
editable.  Changes are made to all selected songs.

I'm not sure how we would integrate bulk Musicbrainz updates.  That
seems a little trickier.  I have an idea, but I would have to do a

Oh, one thing - I do think that undo is really important as soon as we
introduce tag editing.  It would be a right pain to accidentally tag a
bunch of songs without having the ability to undo it.

James Kahn <>

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