Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Rhythmbox 0.6.0: "The Universe Is Finite"

J. Gardner Biggs wrote:

>I am getting this error on ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
>configure: Rhythmbox was configured with the following options:
>configure: ** Tree database is enabled
>configure: ** MP3 support is enabled
>configure: ** Ogg Vorbis support is enabled
>configure: ** FLAC support is enabled
>configure: ** gstreamer 0.7 backend is enabled (with workarounds)
>configure: ** GtkTreeView workaround enabled
>configure: WARNING: The following GStreamer elements could not be found
>at compile time:  mad
>configure: WARNING: Rhythmbox will fail at runtime if these elements
>cannot be found
>configure: End options
>I have just installed gstreamer/gst-plugins-0.7.1 that indicated mad was
>installed as a plugin.  I also ran gst-register as root and as user
>before trying to configure 0.6.0.
You need to find a package on your distro that will supply this file or 
equivalent. (my distro is mandrake)

Look for packages that contain gst in the name.


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