Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Newer Mockup

I'm afraid I don't like this one much... reasons:
1 - looks totally not gnomish (important imho, for desktop
consistancy..) - i wouldnt use something like this purely for aesthethic
2 - it's not at all clear which slider does what
3 - there is a lot of wasted space around the playing buttons
4 - the 'playing area' looks klunky imho.. with that bevel (I think
color would already be a lot cleaner..) and it takes a lot of extra
5 - the search entry + buttons looks really cramped imho, but it's much
better than having the buttons at the bottom.. (which is really wrong,
since the action button, in the case of the lbrary, changes the browser
visibility which is at the top, so having the btn at the bottom will be
a prob)

and some nitpicks:

6 - the status area is too high :)
7 - we really have to use GTK_SHADOW_IN for the treeviews for

I think we really have to find something more gnomish.. 

lör 2003-05-10 klockan 10.44 skrev MArk Finlay:
> * Douglas and Mark H. were probably right, this one has no buttons at
> the bottom.
> * Douglas's idea of using the magnifying glass icon seems so obvious
> now that he's said it. I've implemented it in this mockup. It saves
> screen real estate and is very obvious what it does.
> * Added another button, not really very important
> Some other comments:
> >Yeah.  I think it looks good.  I would be pretty happy with either 
> > this or Luca's, although I think I still like Luca's "simple" the 
> > best, because it keeps the "From Album By Artist" thing which is a 
> > cool rb feature.
> I donno. How often do you want to know the artist and album of the 
> playing song. IMHO this one is SOOO much cleaner looking that it
> is worth sacraficing this info. But then again, that's only my
> opinion.
> > I'm not sure that the bevel is such a good idea.  I dont' think  
> > I've seen a single gnome app that uses such a thing.
> Well it's only my opinion but i REALLY love this bevel. But I also
> think it serves a very important usability purpose. It divides up the
> toolbar area into three areas making it much easier to get "a feel"
> for how rhythmbox works. So yeah, I've left it in in my mockup.

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