Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Does rhythmbox work with gstreamer 6.x?

On Sun, 2003-08-31 at 06:31, Zarick Lau wrote:
> Hi,
> When rhythmbox 's 5.2 released, I grab the tarball and want to give it a
> try, however, I found that it doesn't compile.
> I give me a error with something like wrong gstreamer version, I claim
> to need gstream 5.x, but the gstreamer in my box is 6.x.

You need at least 0.6.2.

> Another OT question, is there any introductory text about the
> multi-media on linux, there is a lot of term in my mind (like mplayer,
> xine, gstreamer, esd, arts, etc) but just doesn't a got a clear picture,
> would you mind give me some suggestion?

I'm not aware of anything like that.  But, executive summary:

esd,arts: sound servers that let multiple applications play sound at the
same time
gstreamer: generic media graphing framework that lets you string plugins
xine: both a media playback library and a player
mplayer: a player, has its own media library i think

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