Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] some ideas...

On Sun, 2003-08-17 at 14:11, Douglas McMorris wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-08-16 at 21:07, Douglas McMorris wrote:
> > Yeah, a watched directory would be really cool. There should definatly
> > be a way to handle the user deleting files that are in the library. 
> > Currently they are kept in the library even after startup and when you
> > try to play them you get a fairly generic error (at least i do with the
> > xine backend)
> I take back part of this statement... after a while rb figured out the
> files were gone and removed them from the library... must have done it
> on its next saving of the lib.

On launch, rb starts scanning the files to see if they have been altered
(which would indicate the metadata may have changed), or to see if they
still exist.  If you have a lot of files, this can take a loooong time.

James Kahn <>

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