Re: Defining GNOME software (finally)

On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 11:28 am, Allan Day <aday gnome org> wrote:
The board is hoping to vote on this at its meeting later today. I don't think that the vote will have a huge impact on the Release Team, but if anyone has any reservations please let us know ASAP.

Well, besides what I've already mentioned... release team directs core technical work. I'm not sure it makes sense for the Board to be managing technical work?

The key thing is that the power to decide official GNOME software
resides with the Foundation. So in the arrangement you describe, the
release team would need to get authorisation from a staff member
whenever they want to add or remove a module from the official
modulesets (core-developer-tools, core-os-services, core-shell,

We could have Emmanuele or another Foundation staff member approve such changes. I don't think that would be a problem.


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