Freeze break exception for the new lock screen

Hi Release Team,

You might be aware that we've had plans for a redesigned lock screen for some time. Development on this has been proceeding this cycle. Some of it has landed already, and the other pieces are close to being ready (see my review here ). The main MRs are:
Georges has been taking the lead on this initiative. He's been away on vacation for the past couple of weeks; my understanding is that, now he's back, we should see some rapid progress on MR review and polish work.

I don't want to land the feature before it's ready, but with the bulk of the work done, and more shell features in the pipe for future releases, it would be good to get it in if we can.

Would it be possible to arrange a freeze exception for the lock screen work, so we can plan on having another week to get it merged? We don't expect there to be any new strings and I'm happy to coordinate with docs and marketing.



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