Re: 3.35/3.36 schedule vs moving Tarballs Due to Fridays

On Fri, Sep 6, 2019 at 7:02 AM, mcatanzaro gnome org wrote:
* 12 months of stable releases; this means the schedule will be 18 months total rather than 6

BTW this was the one remaining topic I wanted to discuss before proposing a new schedule.

We agreed at GUADEC on 12 months of stable releases. There are two counterproposals, 13 months or 9 months:

* 13 months (Fedora-style) gives an extra month of support period so that it's possible to skip a runtime without going outside a support period, if you plan ahead to upgrade during the 13th month. This means we'd support four runtimes at once during the 13th month: three stable runtimes and the unstable runtime. I think it's simpler to plan for 12 months of releases and just not mark the runtime as deprecated until a month after the last release, that way we only ever have to support three at once.

* 9 months (Ubuntu-style) has a three-month upgrade window, long enough to provide a comfortable upgrade window but short enough that everyone knows to look elsewhere for LTS (e.g. to freedesktop-sdk, or a hypothetical future RHEL runtime). With this support period, we'd half the time have three runtimes to support (two stable runtimes and the unstable runtime, during the first three months after a new release), and the other half of the time only two runtimes (one stable runtime and the unstable runtime, during the three months before the next release). We could still do an LTS runtime on a separate schedule if we ever decide to do so (e.g. for GNOME 3.36).

An opinions? My vote is 9 months, because I fear we underestimate the effort involved in maintaining three different runtimes at once. But I will propose a schedule for 12 unless I hear opinions to the contrary, because 12 is what we have already agreed on.


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