Re: 3.18 topics: application revival

Matthias Clasen <matthias clasen gmail com> wrote:
Maybe we do something to improve this situation, from the release team
? Some ideas I had:

1) Patch review days - ask the community to spend a day focused just
on bugs and patches of one app, with the goal of working through the
backlog and making visible progress. In cases where maintainers have
gone missing, we may need to find volunteers to lead this ?

2) Call out "5 easy tasks" for an app. Provide some design guidance,
and promise the prospective contributors that we'll ensure timely

3) Anything else ? I'm sure I had another idea, but blanking now...

3) If it seems that maintainership is an issue, we should approach
existing maintainers to ask if they need help. We could then advertise
for volunteers if they are needed, or even try to arrange for a
temporary maintainer to step in.

4) A "GNOME apps" hackfest.

5) A "GNOME apps" online sprint - come up with a list of bugs and get
designs in place. Advertise for volunteers and have people ready to
review bugs.

6) Some kind of Every Detail Matters initiative. Again, this would
require volunteers to review patches. (This is similar to idea 2.)

I'd be happy to help organise any of these.

Also, one thing we should try and do for these initiatives is get
contributors from other modules to volunteer a bit of their time. This
way we can hopefully give the less active apps a jump start.


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