Scheduling an IRC Foundation Meeting

Greetings, Release Team.

One of the topics at our most recent Board meeting [1] was:

 * Scheduling an IRC Foundation meeting
   * At the Board Q&A the board promised to do a Foundation IRC meeting.
   * Needs an agenda and a date.

Given the recent discussion about decision making and direction w.r.t.
GNOME modules, we are considering including that topic on the agenda.
We'd very much like your input, especially regarding how you all view
your role with respect to this matter.

We have not yet determined the date for the meeting, as we want to be
sure you had plenty of time to discuss this issue amongst yourselves and
also to choose a meeting date and time that suits your collective
schedule, should this be a key agenda item.

Thank you in advance for your time, and for all the work you do!
--joanie, on behalf of the Board


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