Re: Meeting minutes GUADEC 2012

Andre Klapper wrote:
> Yesterday we had a release-team come-together at GUADEC.
> Sending a quick summary for those not able to attend GUADEC.

Thanks Andre; something else we discussed is the short presentation we
have to give during the foundation AGM; Andre prepared some slides
based on the annual report, I now wonder about changing them to finish
on an open question about the expectations people have about the
release team. It would be two slides:

 - Want Something Else? (and then a list, "Some Kind of Direction?",
   "Some Specific Targets?", "A Technical Committee?", "GNOME 4?",
   this list is subject to changes)

 - Let's Meet (with a pointer to the GNOME OS BoF that could be used
   for those kind of discussions)

What's your opinion on this? (let's find five minutes tomorrow


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