Fwd: Re: Ubuntu may ship Nautilus 3.4 in Ubuntu 12.10 and consider other file managers

We should ensure that things like Nautilus changes are
announced/proposed during Feature phase.

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Le 08/08/2012 21:36, Adam Dingle a écrit :
According to comments #1 and #3 in this bug, Ubuntu is considering going back to Nautilus 3.4 in the upcoming 12.10 release:


And at their summit this fall they may discuss whether to stay with Nautilus or switch to another file manager such as Marlin or Nemo.

In my opinion it would be really unfortunate for GNOME if Ubuntu were to drop Nautilus. I think we should try to work with Ubuntu to make sure that doesn't happen.

Hey Adam,

Thanks for trying to make sure we found solutions that work for everybody.

The reason I didn't bring that upstream before is that distribution issues are not really upstream issues (some people at GUADEC for example were trying to message that distributions should distribute what upstream is doing and not try to influence or discuss their choices, which is a fair position but also a different position from what GNOME has traditionally been doing)

The way GNOME is currently working though is making difficult for us (Ubuntu) to take decisions on what to do. We traditionally have the Ubuntu Developer Summit at the start of our cycle (which is start of the GNOME cycle as well) and we plan work for the next release. At the time of UDS none of the nautilus changes that happened this cycle were announced so we didn't discuss that topic, but we got quite surprised by the new direction nautilus is taking (while we were already on the 3.5 serie) and we are trying to ponder what to do next.

The lesson that we learned this cycle is that GNOME is not planning their work enough in advance or communicating enough for us to keep basing our distribution on the current unstable GNOME versions. If that situation doesn't change we might well start following GNOME with one cycle delay (i.e building our next version on the current stable rather than following the current unstable), we can't really build a solid product on shifting code where the direction is not communicated in advance. The issue is not specific to nautilus though and this list might not be the best place to discuss that...

Sebastien Bacher
nautilus-list mailing list
nautilus-list gnome org

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