Re: Switch to AT-SPI/CORBA as the default for GNOME 2.30

Hi Luke:

Thanks!  Just be advised that the files may change default settings to make the AT-SPI/CORBA stuff the default.  I may also need to change some *.desktop and at-spi processes (e.g., the registryd) to make sure they do the right thing.


On Feb 4, 2010, at 1:55 PM, Luke Yelavich wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 04, 2010 at 10:44:24AM PST, Willie Walker wrote:
>> Hi All:
>> We've spent the past couple days debugging AT-SPI/D-Bus issues.  While we were able to uncover and fix a number of bugs, Mark and I chatted today and agreed that the responsible thing to do would be to go back to AT-SPI/CORBA as the default for 2.30.
>> With 2.29.90 coming up next week, it seems as though we should do this sooner than later.  I can make all the changes necessary to make the default builds of all the AT-SPI/CORBA related stuff put things in the default location and the default builds of all the AT-SPI/D-Bus related stuff relocate things.  With this, we will be back at the same spot we were with GNOME 2.28.x, but with the ability for people to ship/install/activate AT-SPI/D-Bus.
>> Are you all OK with this?
> Yes. As I've stated earlier, Ubuntu 10.04 is staying with CORBA at-spi, and if users ask for it, I'll package an alternate version of at-spi that can co-exist with the at-spi2/dbus stack, so nothing changes for Ubuntu with this decision.
> Luke

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