Re: Using cheese 2.30.x for GNOME 2.31.6

hey vincent!

we already had that discussion and told frederic about it. using mx
allowed us to quickly add a table layout to a clutter viewport. right
now, we are removing that dependency by either copying the table widget
into cheese or by waiting for clutter 1.4 (which has a table layout
included), whichever comes first.

does that help you? ;)


On Do, 2010-08-05 at 12:06 +0200, Vincent Untz wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> Since cheese 2.31.1 has a dependency on mx, which is not an approved
> external dependency, I'm using cheese 2.30.x for GNOME 2.31.6.
> During GUADEC, I think you mentioned that you wanted to get the new
> cheese out for GNOME 2.32. So can you remove the mx dependency (or start
> discussion about it on d-d-l) before the next release? :-)
> Thanks,
> Vincent

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