Hard code freeze break request


Tom Hinkle was unaware of the hard code freeze and commited a bugfix
for gnome-sudoku yesterday. The bugfix was for 423478 "Sudoku fails to
realize a puzzle being solved". A very annoying bug that has caused
quite a few bug reports. I even believe I saw it mentioned on the love
wall at fosdem. Needless to say I would like to include the fix as the
bug makes the game pretty much useless to those who encounter it..

It's a simple bug where clearing a number with the "clear" button on
the number selector popup didn't actually clear the number but behind
the scenes made it 0 instead. The bugfix corrects this with a simple
check that the number is not zero:

Modified: trunk/gnome-sudoku/src/lib/gsudoku.py
--- trunk/gnome-sudoku/src/lib/gsudoku.py       (original)
+++ trunk/gnome-sudoku/src/lib/gsudoku.py       Thu Mar  6 01:25:20 2008
@@ -295,7 +295,9 @@
    def number_changed_cb (self, ns, w):
-        self.set_text_interactive(str(ns.get_value()))
+        newval = ns.get_value()
+        if newval:
+            self.set_text_interactive(str(newval))

    def show_number_picker (self):
        #self.number_picker_mode = True

- Thomas Andersen

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