Maintenance releases for 2.24

As Lucas is busy with real-life (yeah, really overrated!), I tried to
find a way to list all modules that had no releases since 2.22.0.
For the records, I used and grabbed the 2.22.0 and 2.23.90 subfolders from*.

See the list below, but there's probably lots of stuff that we don't
need - comments on cleaning up appreciated before I send this to d-d-l.

I also propose a non-maintainer release of alacarte. I just don't
receive email answers from its maintainer, but we have a GIO port patch
for it waiting to get some test coverage.

$:andre\> ./release-diff
--same /admin/2.22.0/sources/ /admin/2.23.90/sources/
sabayon                   2.22.0
$:andre\> ./release-diff
--same /bindings/2.22.0/sources/ /bindings/2.23.90/sources/
gconfmm                   2.22.0
glib-java                 0.4.2
Gnome2                    1.042
Gnome2-Canvas             1.002
Gnome2-VFS                1.081
gnome-vfsmm               2.22.0
Gtk2-GladeXML             1.006
libgconf-java             2.12.6
libglade-java             2.12.8
libglademm                2.6.6
libgnome-java             2.12.7
libgnomemm                2.22.0
libgnomeuimm              2.22.0
libgtk-java               2.10.2
libsigc++                 2.2.2
pygtk                     2.12.1
pyorbit                   2.14.3
$:andre\> ./release-diff
--same /desktop/2.22.0/sources/ /desktop/2.23.90/sources/
alacarte                  0.11.5
evolution-webcal          2.21.92
fast-user-switch-applet   2.22.0
gconf-editor              2.22.0
gnome-doc-utils           0.12.2
gnome-netstatus           2.12.1
gnome-nettool             2.22.0
gnome-system-tools        2.22.0
gst-plugins-good          0.10.6
libgail-gnome             1.20.0
libgnomeprint             2.18.4
libgnomeprintui           2.18.2
liboobs                   2.22.0
librsvg                   2.22.2
$:andre\> ./release-diff
--same /devtools/2.22.0/sources/ /devtools/2.23.90/sources/
gnome-devel-docs          2.22.0
$:andre\> ./release-diff
--same /platform/2.22.0/sources/ /platform/2.23.90/sources/
audiofile                 0.2.6 
gnome-vfs-monikers        2.15.3
libart_lgpl               2.3.20

 mailto:ak-47 gmx net | failed  |

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