Re: Moving Gtk2-Perl to GNOME infrastructure

On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 09:49:17PM +0200, Torsten Schoenfeld wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-03-19 at 01:12 +0100, Olav Vitters wrote:
> > > The repository name "gnome-perl" seems natural, especially since that's
> > > the name of our Bugzilla component.  On the other hand, there was
> > > previously a CVS repository with the same name wrapping the GNOME 1.x
> > > libraries.  Is that a problem?  If so, we could use "gnome2-perl".
> > 
> > I'd rather see a repository for the Glib binding, etc. However, not sure
> > of the naming. Suggestions? (release-team / you)
> So, how do we proceed?

I haven't yet thought of a good solution.

> Is your preference against a gnome-perl repository set in stone?  If so,
> how do you suggest we deal with the directories I mentioned in my
> previous mail?  To recap: we have a few things in our repository that
> don't belong to one binding but rather to all of them:

Unsure. While this layout might make sense from the possibilities of
SVN; there will be some switch in future. Further, our infra isn't setup
to support anything other than /branches,/trunk,/tags.

I don't think e.g. git/bzr supports something like above (submodules
aren't a solution)... so something better need to be found.

>   docs/		- generic documentation applying to all our bindings
>   helpers/	- helper programs to aid developing bindings
>   Makefile	- a Makefile to build all or a subset of our bindings
> Additionally, we have some modules in our repository that would look
> weird as top-level repositories in GNOME SVN, even if we prepended
> 'perl-' to their name:
>   ExtUtils-Depends
>   ExtUtils-PkgConfig
>   GStreamer
>   GStreamer-Interfaces

E.g. 'c++' gets by by using 'mm'.. I think that is ok. Python things
usually have '-python', which is sane too.

I am wondering why Perl stuff is different.. and what would be a good
solution.. but I'm still thinking about it.

> I'd like to import our Cairo module, too -- it's currently hosted on
> Freedesktop's CVS repository.

I'll try and think about some solution.. I have to check for the other
bindings, find something that works for everything.


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