Re: Ekiga 2.0.5 available

Le mercredi 14 f�ier 2007 �3:51 +0100, Vincent Untz a �it :
> Le mardi 13 f�ier 2007, �2:01, Damien Sandras a �it :
> > This is an update of Ekiga 2.0. 
> I believe it depends on pwlib 1.10.4 and (just a guess since I'm still
> downloading stuff) opal 2.2.5. Is it necessary to bump to those newer
> releases?

Unfortunately, most of the fixes currently are going into OPAL and
PWLIB, not into Ekiga. So yes, it is necessary.

Do you want me to update those 2 items, or is it handled by somebody
else :
> If so here's a patch to update the jhbuild moduleset. We should also
> update

Thank you !
 _      Damien Sandras
//\    Ekiga Softphone :
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