Re: Generating excitement in GNOME

<quote who="John (J5) Palmieri">

> I was talking about this to Keith Packard and jg waiting for a flight from
> Sao Paulo airport and came to the conclusion that we should have some sort
> of RFC module or futures track which proposed applications and API's would
> be able to be part of the release with the caveat that they may not be
> fully adopted or if they are may look completely different once they are
> accepted into one of the other modules.  

This is going somewhere very similar to an idea I've had recently; forming a
"" style experimentation area, with a focus on doing releases,
but not having onerous, scary commitments, while at the same time beefing up
some of our Desktop release suite commitments (library stability is a hugely
important thing for integration, most of which is relevant in our Desktop

- Jeff

Open CeBIT 2007: Sydney, Australia    
     "Everyone's a little queer, why can't she be a little straight?" -
                           Weezer, Pink Triangle

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