Re: New string on bug-buddy 2.16.1

Ok, my fault.

Bug-buddy had been branched for 2.16 and I did that commit to HEAD
(2.17). So I've just backported the changes to 2.16, so please update
this string on gnome-2-16 branch.

Thanks again and sorry for the noise.


On 11/28/06, Fernando Herrera <fherrera onirica com> wrote:
Hi, I've just commited a change to bug-buddy HEAD (2.16, because it is
still not branched) adding a new string.

However this string would not be shown in the UI until translated, so
it does not break the UI freeze from the end-user point of view.

However it would be great to get it translated, so we can deploy
bug-buddy 2.16.1 with most localed including this string. Notice that
our bugsquad team is complaning a lot about non translated bug
reports, so this string addition is in some way _important_

After this, I can only thak you all translators you great work. YOU ROCK!



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