Re: Sound Juicer change...

On Sun, 2006-03-19 at 19:01 +0100, Vincent Untz wrote:
> > So that's what I want to do.  If I get this into 2.14.1 then people
> > shipping 2.14 can have a Sound Juicer that correctly tags MP3 files,
> > otherwise it's broken.
> Why is it broken right now? Isn't it fixable?

Sound Juicer currently tells users how to create a MP3 profile if they want
to encode to MP3 files.  This pipeline uses LAME, and it turns out that Lame
is just fundamentally broken for tagging: IIRC it only supports ID3v1 tags
(which are very limited) and whilst it writes 4K blocks for writing ID3v2
tags into, has no way of going back and actually writing them.  This
results in freaky LAMELAMELAME chunks in the middle of MPEG data, meaning no
decent tags and occasional decoding problems.

The solution is to use id3mux (in gst-ugly) or taglibid3mux (in -bad, but
will be promoted to -good soon and aliased to id3mux).  However few people
actually have these plugins at the moment, thus the suggestion for SJ to
host a private id3mux (a copy of taglibid3mux) and use it if a system plugin
isn't available.

I've finished the patch now, TagLib is an optional dependency as without it
the plugin isn't built.

Ross Burton                                 mail: ross burtonini com
                                          jabber: ross burtonini com
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