New modules list for 2.14

Hey there,

So, it looks like on next Monday the module freeze will occur. Maybe
it's time to get ready for it, isn't it? :-)

Here's the list of proposed modules that I remember/could find. Please
add the missing ones and correct me if I'm doing wrong statements :-)

 + pyorbit: I think everyone is okay with this one

 + atomix: I don't remember seeing much discussion for this one. We
should probably try to ping people on d-d-l.

 + deskbar-applet: most people were okay, some people thought it was
eating too much memory. I'd say consensus was "accept". What do you

 + fast-user-switch-applet: I think people were okay with it. It'd be
nice to integrate it in the panel, but I'm not sure it will happen
because of lack of time (flame me).

 + gnome-power-manager: I don't remember much discussion. And I never
tested it, so I don't know.

 + gnome-screensaver: people want this. I'd say we should go with it,
but maybe some people think it's not ready yet?

 + pessulus: some positive feedback. Maybe create an admin suite for it
and sabayon? I'm not sure it's appropriate outside an admin suite.

 + sabayon: positive feedback. Would be nice in an admin suite too.

 + nautilus-actions: there were some questions wrt to how it's
integrated in nautilus. Some people wanted it to be integrated in some
other way. No consensus.

 + libnotify & notify-daemon: I don't remember seeing it clearly
proposed on the lists, but when I asked John (or was it Rodrigo?) on
IRC, he told me it was :-) Probably needs some discussion first, though.

Did I forget anything?


Les gens heureux ne sont pas press�

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