Re: GStreamer releases


> > > The reason we haven't been doing a lot of releases lately is because 0.8 has
> > > gone pretty much as far as it's going to go, and except for the DVD stuff, most
> > > commits to it have been maintenance bug fixes.  So I don't expect that to change
> > > much in the future, and it seems to me we're targetting GNOME 2.14 with a
> > > GStreamer 0.10 release series.
> > 
> > Right, and then the same applies for 2.14/0.9-10: we need more releases,
> > ideally one for each GNOME alpha/beta.
> Is that going to be possible? It's definitely something I'd want to
> see if we want 2.14 to depend on 0.10.

Definately - I was specifically talking about 0.8, saying "I don't
expect us to do more frequent releases from that branch as it's in
maintenance mode".  Obviously, for a 0.9/.10 branch that's not the case.


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