GStreamer releases

Hi everyone,

I wanted to let you know what we were planning and ask for some

We're going to make 0.8 prereleases of core and plugins today, and
probably a final release tomorrow.  As you probably know the 0.8 cycle
by this point only receives bug fixes, beside the work Ronald has done
for DVD.

I am not sure these releases should be pushed forward for GNOME 2.12
They won't receive much wide testing unless we openly ask for some.  But
there are two things that might prompt us to want to include these

- there's a crasher bug in videoscale in the 0.8.10 release for one of
the colorspaces
- a lot of the DVD work Ronald has done was done after 0.8.10.  DVD
support is mentioned in the release notes (I personally have my doubts
if this should be advertised *at all*, given that in my opinion we
shouldn't be promoting patented stuff), and I feel it would be
misleading to state GNOME 2.12 has good DVD support without this release
being part of it.

Obviously I should've thought about this a little before, but I was
spending most of my time on 0.9 and forgot about this for a week too
long.  My excuses.

Anyway, that's the situation at this point.  What do you guys suggest ?


Dave/Dina : future TV today ! -
<-*- thomas (dot) apestaart (dot) org -*->
You think I'm scared of girls well maybe
but I'm not afraid of you
You want to scare me then you'll
cling to me no matter what I do
<-*- thomas (at) apestaart (dot) org -*->
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