Re: Planner-list features in Planner


I have not been answered for my e-mail on 7 April.

I would like to know if it was possible :
  - to print the Gantt diagram from a date (eg from '2015/03/24' instead of printing from the beginning of the project) ?
  - to display the start and end date of tasks next to the name on the Gantt diagram ?

Thank you in advance for the answers.
Kind regards,

Bertrand ROBERT
System Administrator
Direct line : +352 26 57 46 36

F2C - Financial Communication Consult
77, rue du Fossé
L-4123 Esch-sur-Alzette
G-D of Luxembourg

tel: +352 26 57 46 1
fax: +352 26 57 46 30

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2015-04-07 17:56 GMT+02:00 Robert, Bertrand <bertrand robert f2c lu>:

I would like to know if it was possible :
  - to print the Gantt diagram from a date (eg from '2015/03/24' instead of printing from the beginning of the project) ?
  - to display the start and end date of tasks next to the name on the Gantt diagram ?

Thank you in advance for the answers.
Kind regards,

Bertrand ROBERT
System Administrator

F2C - Financial Communication Consult
77, rue du Fossé
L-4123 Esch-sur-Alzette
G-D of Luxembourg

Tel: +352 26 57 46 36
Fax: +352 26 57 46 30

bertrand robert f2c lu

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