Re: Planner-list Time granularity on tasks

On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 12:11:25PM -0600, Noe Misael Nieto Arroyo wrote:
> I am playing with planner and I want to make a gant chart of my backup
> scripts (One script enters before another and we have to wait until another
> one finishes until we start synchronizing archives and so on...)
> On the duration of my tasks:
> If I try to put 30 min, the program puts in ther 30 d

The space between 30 and min is confusing planner. Try 30min instead.

> If I try to put 0.5h the program puts nothing on the entry and the upper
> lever task takes into account that time. 

This is a known issue that we still have to solve
There is a patch, but it needs some more work.

> However, that time is not very
> accurate (ie: three 0.5h tasks accumulate 1h).

I do not see this problem myself. Did you zoom in far enough to see
individual hours? Please send or put online a .planner file that shows
this problem.

> So the question here is twofold:
> I am using Planner for a different purpose that it's intended use ?

Maybe a little, but I would consider these issues bugs in Planner
nonetheless. Once they're fixed you can go back to using Planner in
unintended ways ;-)


Maurice van der Pot

Gentoo Linux Developer   griffon26 gentoo org
Gnome Planner Developer  griffon26 kfk4ever com

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