Re: Planner-list Task view

On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 08:40:17PM -0500, Doug and Angela Hodson wrote:
> 1) In Tasks view, when I add a subtask to a "top-level" task, the top-level 
> task's font changes to boldface. At first I found this appealing, but now 
> I'm not so sure. I find that when I have a mix of top-level task with 
> subtasks mixed with top-level tasks without defined subtasks, my list looks 
> weird. It's almost as though the tasks defined with subtasks are more 
> important. This is somewhat annoying, as I find myself wanting to define 
> subtasks just so every task "visually looks as important to each other."
> My recommendation: the triangle on the left provides an indication of 
> subtasks. Leave it at that or make it an option.

I understand what you mean, but I think this use of boldface has
readability advantages as well. In the end I think it will be a matter
of taste for which I would not like to include a configuration item.

Although if many people think no boldface is better than boldface, then
I'd change it.

> 2) As I'm organizing tasks/subtasks, there have already been several 
> instances where a I need to move a subtask from one set to another. I 
> either need a cut and paste option, or the ability to drag a group of 
> subtasks to another task.
> This is painful, as I basically have to retype everything if I need to move 
> it.

Cut & paste is definitely a feature we would like to have. It's on our
to-do list:


Maurice van der Pot

Gentoo Linux Developer   griffon26 gentoo org
Gnome Planner Developer  griffon26 kfk4ever com

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