Re: [Planner] Does planner have a MS windows version ?

On Tue, 2004-04-20 at 23:33, Waldemar Augustyn wrote:
> Yes, of course.  But Planner has another problem.  It wants to be a
> "Gnome" application for some reason.  I never understood why, but it
> may have something to do with sponsorship.

I would rather think it's been using Gnome because it uses a couple of
nice Gnome libraries.
 * bonobo/bonoboui
 * libprint/libprintui
 * gnome VFS
 * gda
 * gconf
 * gsf

>   There is nothing Gnome-ish about Planner, it should (could) be a
> general purpose cross platform complement to OO.

I doubt the projecthas the manpower to move the previous libraries
within planner and port the all to Windows. You should consider the
balance between code size and manpower that portability induces in OOo.
It is far beyond what Planner has/is.

>   Planner can fill a huge hole in the office tools applications.  But
> these are all very strategic decisions.  As long as Planner sticks to
> the "small appliance" model, we'll keep looking....

In my humble opinion Planner should go full featured first and then can
pause and think about a Windows port.

Xavier Ordoquy.

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