Re: Good Idea - PERT and CPM algorithms and utilities

I'm familiar with project management theory, and have plenty of
resources in my paper library.  My plan is to begin implementing
everything from scratch in C, although I may have a peak at the
octave-forge financial algorithms for hints.  This will help recall
items I've forgotten, and increase my programming skills at the same
time.  Beware, though, that I'm an electrical engineer and not a
programmer by trade - so I'm sure things will be a bit sloppy.  Helpful
hints for cleaner code will be appreciated... and, I'd prefer to use
github to locate code. 

-----Original Message-----
From: fr33domlover <fr33domlover mailoo org>
To: Andrew Willson <andrew willson 1024bits com>
Cc: planner-dev-list gnome org
Subject: Re: Good Idea - PERT and CPM algorithms and utilities
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2014 09:41:42 +0200

Hello Andrew,

I'm glad you find that idea useful. I have not implemented that library
yet. I'm working on a semantic desktop project, and I am planning to
create such a tool that would integrate with the semantic storage.

However, the algorithms and in-memory data structures have much less to
do with the semantic storage, and I would write that library in parallel
to my other project(s) if I had time. You are very welcome to go ahead
and implement it, allowing me to integrate it later with a layer of
semantic desktop. Imagine a direct link between Planner tasks and
Evolution memos/tasks/calendar etc.

I don't know much about project management theory, but I'm not sure how
much you do, so allow me to suggest that you use two sources when
writing algorithms:

1. Known software like TaskJuggler and OpenERP
2. Articles about algorithms, e.g. some academic articles have very
interesting suggestions like algorithms that don't always give the
absolute best result, but are much faster than the ones which do always
find the one best solution

Using 1 is enough, but having some theory in the design docs and
knowledge for the long term using 2 would be nice. So if you have time
for the bit of extra research, you can go to some university to get free
access to academic resources like IEEEXplore. If not, give me names of
articles and I can get them for you for free. Unless you can afford them
and prefer to.

I don't remember what exactly I was planning, but feel free to ask about
anything. Also the maintainer of Planner is available here and on IRC,
don't worry about the lack of development. And I'm on IRC too as user
'akrasner' (or 'fr33domlover' sometimes).

Please report progres :-)

P.S. Take into account licenses: For example if you want it to be GPL
(I'd use GPLv3+ personally) you may be unable to copy code of
incompatible license, e.g. maybe OpenERP is like that. In that case you
can just take the algorithm itself, not the code. After all the
algorithm is what's important.

On ו', 2014-01-10 at 20:54 -0500, Andrew Willson wrote:
I've been using Planner on and off for various projects and have found
it useful.  However, development seems to be uneven and very slow right
now.  In looking for some news on any developments, I checked out this
mailing list and found Anatoly's post as the last one... and it's a
great idea!  So, I'd like to know if Anatoly got anywhere with the idea
of creating a general purpose project management function library for
C/C++.  If not, perhaps I can make an attempt over the next few months
or so...


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