Feature request: Link progress in one planner file to content of another.

Sorry, Alexandre.. Gmail keeps fooling me with it's reply. It was actually
meant as a reply to John :)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jo-Erlend Schinstad <joerlend schinstad gmail com>
Date: 2009/3/24
Subject: Re: Feature request: Link progress in one planner file to
content of another.
To: Alexandre Franke <alexandre franke gmail com>

You should try out and see how Evolution handles the details of a
task. It's brilliant. I use them for absolutely everything and I'd be
lost in space without them. However, Evolutions tasks are "flat" in
that there are no subtasks and supertasks. If Planner could be used to
plan and track the progress and Evolution could be used to actually do
the work, it'd absolutely love it.

I am not entirely sure exactly how I'd implement it, though. Perhaps
one could use a url to a caldav resource in each Planner task, which
would download that task and look at progress. Then, it'd also be easy
to enable the project manager -- the one using Planner -- to see the
comments and other details entered into the Evolution task. Perhaps
one could simply rely on the task names to stay the same.

I immagine the following workflow;

First the abstract planning is done; figure out what needs to be done
and in what order, organise them into groups of tasks and milestones.
Assign resources to it.

A task may be handled by an individual or a team. If the task is
handled by an individual, that individual receives a ready-made
Evolution task in his email, and Evolution asks if he/she wants to add
it into his/her task list. The project manager, or the one controlling
the Planner project, is added as a mandatory participant
automatically. Every time the individual updates the task and saves
it, Evolution will ask if you want to send the update back to the
project manager, and thereby also his Planner project.

If the task is handled by a team, then only the team leader has write
access to it, but all team members have readables and are mandatory
participants, making sure that everyone is up to date.

Whenever you'd update the task, you'd write a timestamped comment,
explaning what had happened, and why.

Please expand on it. It's just a vague idea at the moment. :)

Jo-Erlend Schinstad

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