Re: Requirements of planner 0.14.3

2008/5/6 Maurice van der Pot <griffon26 kfk4ever com>:
On Tue, May 06, 2008 at 04:07:08PM +0200, Stéphane Raimbault wrote:
> I'm happy to see the planner development still alive.
> I tried to compile planner 0.14.3 on Ubuntu 8.04 but planner requires
> libxslt 1.1.23:
> Does it really necessary (bug, feature, etc) or can I use libxslt 1.1.22?

It is my plan to keep documenting changes in requirements in the NEWS
file (see

Oops, sorry, your NEWS file was clear.

In this case the bug was in week numbers. If the new libxslt is not
used, the week numbers in exported HTML will sometimes be off. If I
remember correctly it could happen that all week numbers in a year were
off by one.

I found this a critical enough bug for a project management application
to add the requirement for the new libxslt release. See also this

Two things may be of particular interest to you in this message. First
the thing about setting up a PPA that others can use, second the request
from an Ubuntu developer to refer anyone interested in maintaining
Planner on Ubuntu to him.

Yes, a PPA will be great but I'm not the right guy (too busy with other projects) :(


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