Re: Planner installer for windows

On Sat, Aug 02, 2008 at 02:23:16PM -0400, fmoraes nc rr com wrote:
> > In short, I'll keep an eye out to see if a 'standard GTK+ installer for
> > Windows' emerges and once it does I will start using that.
> Why not follow what Pidgim does then? It embeds the GTK installer and
> only installs it if needed which I think it is better than laying down
> another copy of GTK. That's the installer I've used as a base for the
> WinPlanner port.

Because only one GTK+ version can be installed at a time and
applications seem to be pretty picky on Windows when it comes to the
GTK+ version installed. It's probably caused by the lack of a soname and
the inability to create symlinks, which then requires applications to
link to a specific version. 

I've often enough seen already installed applications break because
other newly installed applications required a later version of GTK+. I
just checked and even the GIMP now installs all of its dependencies
(incl GTK+) in its own directory. 

The only proper solution I see for this is a proper package manager for
Windows. Failing that, I'd rather have it just work than save a bit of
space.  Windows users are generally not inclined to care about the few
MB of GTK anyway, with so many proprietary apps sharing almost no code
at all and using up a lot more space.

I've cc'ed the planner-dev list to archive the rationale and give others
a chance to chip in.


Maurice van der Pot

Gentoo Linux Developer   griffon26 gentoo org
Gnome Planner Developer  griffon26 kfk4ever com

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