Re: [Planner Dev] Fixing database support

On Wed, 2005-11-23 at 19:32 +0100, Kristian Berg wrote:
> I've started looking into the database export/import code in planner, in
> hopes of updating and extending it.


> Here's what I was planing to start with:
> * Rewrite the import/export dialogs to use predefined data sources as
> defined by gnome-db. This doesn't add another dependency though. Here's
> a small mockup of the dialog I imagined:

Looks nice.  User name doesn't look like an editable field, though.  How
do you envision that working ?  I would think that even it you have it
as a stored value along with the database properties, you should still
allow it to be changed on the fly - no?

> * Fixing up the export dialog to use table prefixes, or make projects
> able to use the same tables.
> I was thinking in the lines of using a central database to store all
> projects and providing scripts to generate html from the db.

Most definitely. The table prefixes should be there to allow planner
data to be stored in the same database as other applications, such as
web content management systems. ...and certainly make projects able to
use the same tables so we enable a single project repository. That would
open the door for a web based interface.  (yay!)

Kurt Maute <kurt maute us>

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