Re: [Planner Dev] Testing group undo ( assertion `PLANNER_IS_LIST_MODEL (model)' failed )

Hi Lincoln!

El vie, 26-03-2004 a las 00:51, lincoln phipps openmutual net escribió:
> Alvaro,
> 	hi - I think this is what you're working on so
> address directly to you but its got points on the undo
> for strings. I was checking Task edit dialog and noticed
> this,
> In planner-resource-dialog.c in function resource_dialog_email_changed_cb ()
> at around line, 695, there is...
> 		g_value_set_object (&value, g_strdup (email));
> but this value has been cast to string thus it should be,
> 		g_value_set_string (&value, g_strdup (email));

Yes, this is a bug I have done maybe for some nasty cut&paste.

Thanks ... the change will be commited next commit I will do.


-- Alvaro

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