Re: [pinpoint] Put images in the foreground

Thank you for your answer.

The hint with unscaled did the job!

That is, I wanted to include about 300 pictures with the following syntax.

-- [unscaled] [photos/P1010030.JPG]

-- [unscaled] [photos/P1010031.JPG]

However, every time I try to launch pinpoint I get a bus error.

Is that too much for pinpoint to handle?



2012/1/26 Øyvind Kolås <pippin gimp org>:
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 10:43 AM, Robert Orzanna
> <orschiro googlemail com> wrote:
>> Is it possible to add images in the foreground?
>> I do not want to have them maximised in the background all the time
>> but sometimes want them just in their normal size on top of a white
>> blank background.
> You can set the [stage-color=black] property to specify the color of
> the background (black is default), then you can specify that the image
> should be [unscaled]. (Images and other background content can be one
> of:
> fill - scales the content up so that nothing of the stage-color shows
> fit - scales the content so that it fits either the height or width
> stretch - fill the entire stage, possibly changing the proportions
> unscaled - show the content at its original resolution centered.
> Thus you could do:
> -- [stage-color=white] [unscaled] [something.jpg]
> -- [stage-color=white] [unscaled] [something-else.jpg]
> To show two images in sequence on different colored backgrounds. If
> this is how most of the deck is ... you should set the stage color and
> the desired content background scaling type in the start of the file.
> /Øyvind K.
> --
> «The future is already here. It's just not very evenly distributed»
>                                                  -- William Gibson

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