Re: [pinpoint] Release Policy

2011/12/7 Adjamilton Júnior <ajunior brasifort com br>:
> We've a release policy? Or the next release will be discussed with
> developers?
> We could release a patch version always that bug fix and release stable
> version each six month (included features discussed in brainstorm session)

It used to be that almost all users of pinpoint used and compiled the
git version. (Work on pinpoint and new features for it has also tended
to coincide with people working on or in relation to Clutter giving
presentations at conferences.)

I think a good policy is that the master branch of pinpoint should
strive to always be buildable, usable and releasable. Tarballs  have
thus far been attempted when enough features exist in git that are not
in a release (or when the version found in distros have annoying bugs;
and seeing the bugs as an audience member is irritating.) Aiming to do
a release at least every 6 months, if there is sufficient changes to
warrant it; would be good.

/Øyvind K.
«The future is already here. It's just not very evenly distributed»
                                                 -- William Gibson ;                 

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